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ROBOTICS: Beginner Micro:bit Robotics using Breadboard and components
Introduction to Beginner Robotics course with Microbit
What you will learn in this course (4:12)
What is robotics (3:31)
Sec1: Learning about Micro:bit and microcontrollers
What is Micro:bit microcontroller (6:50)
Using a prototyping breadboard (6:28)
Micro:bit power project (1:43)
What is coding (8:18)
Building and coding the Blink project (9:08)
Quiz for the Blink project
Using LEDs in circuits. (1:51)
Sec2: Learning about Digital INPUTS
Simple button project (4:45)
Variables (3:41)
Conditional statements (1:46)
External Button switch project (6:35)
Sec3: Serial Monitor, Plotting data and digital INOUT
Serial Monitor (3:53)
Plotting data (1:54)
Digital input to LED output
Sec4: Analog INPUTS, Sensors
Digital v Analog (3:09)
Senses and sensors (1:40)
Analog INPUT reading project (4:01)
IF statements (1:47)
LOW, MED, HIGH challenge
Sec5: Analog OUTPUTS and PWM
Revision of Digital and Analog (3:09)
Brightening LED project (3:59)
Fading up and down challenge
Troubleshooting (1:56)
Sec 6: Analog INPUTs control Analog OUTPUTS
Revision (4:42)
Analog INPUT to Analog OUTPUT
Sec 7:Colour, Light, RGBs and functions
Colour, light and RGBs (7:36)
Functions (3:33)
RGB project (3:46)
For Loops (2:22)
RGB fading project (3:40)
Sec 8: Sound
Frequency and sound (4:20)
Start composing tunes with microbit
Sec 9: Keypads
Using a keypad (15:45)
And what now?
What now?
Teach online with
What is Micro:bit microcontroller
What is a microcontroller
Getting to know the micro:bit
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