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ROBOTICS: Beginner Micro:bit Robotics using Breadboard and components
Introduction to Beginner Robotics course with Microbit
What you will learn in this course (4:12)
What is robotics (3:31)
Sec1: Learning about Micro:bit and microcontrollers
What is Micro:bit microcontroller (6:50)
Using a prototyping breadboard (6:28)
Micro:bit power project (1:43)
What is coding (8:18)
Building and coding the Blink project (9:08)
Quiz for the Blink project
Using LEDs in circuits. (1:51)
Sec2: Learning about Digital INPUTS
Simple button project (4:45)
Variables (3:41)
Conditional statements (1:46)
External Button switch project (6:35)
Sec3: Serial Monitor, Plotting data and digital INOUT
Serial Monitor (3:53)
Plotting data (1:54)
Digital input to LED output
Sec4: Analog INPUTS, Sensors
Digital v Analog (3:09)
Senses and sensors (1:40)
Analog INPUT reading project (4:01)
IF statements (1:47)
LOW, MED, HIGH challenge
Sec5: Analog OUTPUTS and PWM
Revision of Digital and Analog (3:09)
Brightening LED project (3:59)
Fading up and down challenge
Troubleshooting (1:56)
Sec 6: Analog INPUTs control Analog OUTPUTS
Revision (4:42)
Analog INPUT to Analog OUTPUT
Sec 7:Colour, Light, RGBs and functions
Colour, light and RGBs (7:36)
Functions (3:33)
RGB project (3:46)
For Loops (2:22)
RGB fading project (3:40)
Sec 8: Sound
Frequency and sound (4:20)
Start composing tunes with microbit
Sec 9: Keypads
Using a keypad (15:45)
And what now?
What now?
Teach online with
Building and coding the Blink project
Building Blink -DIGITAL OUTPUT
This is an embedded
Microsoft Office
presentation, powered by
This is an embedded
Microsoft Office
presentation, powered by
3 LED Challenge
As a challenge try to connect 2 more LEDs to different pins, and make them blink at the same time as the first.
Once you have tried this, or if you get stuck, then look at the video below to help you along.
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